Year of The RAT

1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Big plans and ideal notions may seem to satisfy you less today or just feel unattainable. You may find that what you want and believe in is getting dragged down by what you used to be important but maturity is less fulfilling now. Enthusiasm requires focus, and this is a good time to regain yours to Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers: 6,9,20,51,60,69


Year of The OX

1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

A delay in getting together with someone who either owes you something or is playing hard to get could feel like a nuisance today. Rather than become absorbed in negative thoughts and your irritation, take a chance and make the first move. There’s good news coming from across the waters Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers:  9,30,37,43,46,57


Year of The TIGER

The stars have aligned to set your imagination free. You are preoccupied with thoughts of mysticism and creativity. Though you are usually pragmatic in your approach, today the questions that you ask of yourself are meaningful and difficult to answer. Trust your imagination to find the way to an answer Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers:  9,22,41,46,54,65


Year of The RABBIT

Your friends are your biggest resource during this period. Spend time with those who care for you most, and try to open up to meeting new people. New beginnings may bring out a side of your personality you were not aware of Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers:  9,17,28,35,52,57


Year of The DRAGON

1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

Time is a valuable commodity. Don’t waste yours by living up to others’ expectations of you. Do things that make you feel good! Make changes to improve your lifestyle and trust that you will make the right decision in a situation that has been on your mind Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers: 9,35,36,43,52,61


Year of The SNAKE

1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Pay extra attention to your friends today. Their reactions and body language will be telling. There won’t be any highs or lows today, but what you observe keenly will be valuable down the road Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers:    4,9,15,51,65,67


Year of The HORSE

1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Implicit understandings based on mutual visions are the opportunity of the day, so don’t take your dreams for granted. What you share with others on the inner front greases the path to harmony and profit, so anything you can cook up along those lines will provide you with a tangible window to your imagination Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers: 9,16,34,37,43,62


Year of The GOAT

1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Foundations laid out today will be firm and supportive and continue to evolve that way. Feelings of friendship abound and it’s easy to see the good side of anyone, just remember there may be other sides, too. Surprises that startle, realizations that turn you around, and new emotional experiments all are going on Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers: 9,11,36,55,59,65


Year of The MONKEY

1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Welcome this day with open arms and a positive outlook! Today will present subtle yet excellent opportunities to make gains in all aspects of your life. The trick will be for you to recognize prospects when they are before you, and to act decisively to take advantage of them Ka-PakBet!

Power Numbers: 2,9,13,25,48,66


Year of The ROOSTER

1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

The emphasis is now on long-range financial planning, thinking about future security, and formulating strategies to achieve your ambitions. Your ability to study quietly, concentrate on complex mental work, and think deeply about serious matters is much better than usual Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers:  3,9,14,30,41,50


Year of The DOG

1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Telephone storms, hasty social get-togethers, and communication overloads come and go. A good time to get quick points across with maximum brevity so it all fits in and is clear in the future. Try not to waste your time or words as it’s just that, a waste of energy and motivation Ka-PakBet!

Power Numbers:  3,9,18,38,53,64


Year of The PIG

1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Important gatherings ensure that you will not turn down that important invitation just now. You may have to travel some distance to be part of the “cool” set but the rewards will be worth the effort. This is also a chance for you to break down walls and forge new pathways for your professional future. Get rid of any blocks that are undermining your self-confidence Ka-PakBet.

Power Numbers:  5,6,9,23,25,53


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