Year of The RAT
1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Your imagination is invigorated, and you need activities and entertainments that are colorful, out the ordinary, and definitely not routine. Being more eclectic and outspoken on all issues is likely Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 6,16,25,40,47,57
Year of The OX
1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
You easily become fired up emotionally at this time, especially about people, places, or causes you have a strong attachment to from the past. Also, you are energized and invigorated now and eager to be involved in projects that benefit your children, family, or home Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 1,11,13,25,29,65
Year of The TIGER
Small signals under the table will get you everything you need without rocking the boat, be subtle but honest today.A smile and a knowing glance will put you on the road to satisfaction, when a direct request might get you put off.Implied understandings and understood arrangements are the tools of the moment for maximum payoffs Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 2,5,25,45,46,56
Year of The RABBIT
A clash of personalities could leave you feeling disheartened with an association that you had high hopes for.Someone could need your advice concerning something you experienced yourself only recently.Don’t let your mood stop you from attending the special dinner tonight, as there are people you need to see Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 2,22,25,27,28,61
Year of The DRAGON
1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Use some of that charisma today as you’ll get farther than if you push your way into situations. This especially applies to any competitive interests – anything where you want to come out a winner. This is an excellent time to investigate a complex problem and also to learn more about your own inner self Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 6,7,21,25,34,41
Year of The SNAKE
1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
This is likely to be a time of considerable frustration and discouragement for you. You are unusually sensitive to criticism of your efforts and to the limitations and restraints that your responsibilities entail. Fighting with authority figures or lashing out at others who restrict you in any way is a strong possibility Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 24,25,39,44,46,47
Year of The HORSE
1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Changes, reversals, or removals (involving vocational interests, unusual circumstances, or close relationships) will open the door to a new experience, while at the same time closing the door that led to an old one. There could be separation from an older relative or from someone with whom you have had a close emotional bond Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 24,26,29,45,58,62
Year of The GOAT
1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
You are not one for pretence, but coming face to face with enemies or those whom you know are not exactly your best well wishers requires a considerable amount of tact and diplomacy.Friends can sometimes act as temporary enemies and thus take your love for granted – so you need to put up a “No Go” zone with these people today Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 10,25,32,50,60,69
Year of The MONKEY
1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
It’s a serious type mood today and you are able to concentrate on work that requires patience, attention to detail, and precision. It is a good time to learn practical skills, do your taxes, organize your files, and take care of business. You’ll want to avoid light social conversation or trivialities that distract you from your work Ka-PakBet!
Power Numbers: 6,23,25,37,46,49
Year of The ROOSTER
1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
The tried and true doesn’t cut it anymore: it’s the new, the unique, and the original that catches and holds your interest now. Idealism, rationality, and critical thinking become more and more a part of your mental patterns and the way you communicate. You are inventive, original, your mind is on the move out of the box Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 3,4,5,25,33,48
Year of The DOG
1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
This is a time of serious thought and self-analysis regarding the direction of your life. You need some time alone to ponder your situation so that you can make wise decisions. You are also likely to feel the pressure of many obligations in your daily life. Few doors may open for you now, but with some honest introspection that will change soon Ka-PakBet!
Power Numbers: 1,25,31,44,58,62
Year of The PIG
1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
You find yourself at your most imaginative, at least when it comes to ideas and thoughts. Right now you have an opportunity to transcend the everyday thoughts and soar into more cosmic or eternal musings. Your mind is on bigger issues and long-range plans. You are optimistic and enthusiastic about your ideas, but disinclined to read the fine print or study all the facts, which can result in an error in judgement Ka-PakBet.
Power Numbers: 2,8,14,25,33,41